1. When attacking another player, you roll any number of your Vikings on the table (or we prefer dropping in a dice tray).
Some of these Vikings will be laying flat, and the others will be considered “Standing”.
These “Results” are kept on the table, showing how many are flat and how many are standing. (we like to then line them up above our longship)
Note: Any Vikings not rolled this round, don’t count toward results or any rules below.
2. The defender can now Flee or Retaliate.
3. If they choose to Retaliate; they also now roll any number of their Vikings.
4. Each player now discards as many of their laying Flat vikings as there are Standing vikings on the opponents side.
5. Whichever player currently has less Standing Vikings must flee.
6. If it’s a draw. The Attacker my choose to attack again or flee.
Note: Each subsequent time the Attacker attacks, or the Defender defends, they may change the number of Vikings rolled.
We have found that Vikings will land flat thrice as often, so best to attack with greater numbers.
Advanced Rule:
For every Simple Weapon tile on your Longship, you may re-roll 1 incapacitated Viking. (Re-roll one viking twice for each Double Weapon Tile on your Longship).
1. When passing a Village, or a Visit Tile, you can remove a tile from your longboat in order to make room for Vikings.
2. When taking a Port Tile – if there is no room to take the Bonus Viking, you may first sell Goods (making room for the Viking), or may remove any tile to take the Viking.
3. If for any reason when passing a Village, or Visit Tile, you choose not to take (or cannot take) bonus Vikings; They are left for the next players to take. The last player to pass can take all remaining Vikings if they wish.